Women’s Healthcare Centre – PRHC

Women’s Healthcare Centre – PRHC

Description: Focused primarily on women but some services are provided to people of all ages and genders, depending on the service required. A wide variety of healthcare services are available that are focused on providing information, support, counselling and treatment to help women prevent health problems and cope with any presenting problems in ways that are informed, person-focused and trauma-informed. Nurses have specialized training to complete assessments of any physical harm that may be experienced during an assault.

Access Criteria: Some services available for all ages and genders. Receptionist will help determine if this is appropriate service for the person calling. Self-referral via phone during business hours. If the need is urgent, their specially trained nurses can be accessed through the Emergency Department at PRHC 24/7.

Phone: (705) 743-4132

Website: http://prhc.on.ca/healthcare-services/women-children/womens-healthcare-centre